Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Project 2 -- Editing in Post

For this project I used Adobe Audition CS6 for the sound editing and exportation.

1) For the first clip I attempted to use noise reduction right off the bat. I hoped that it would reduce the massive background noise I was getting from the cars on the freeway but I had little to no success with that. I then started by shaving off a little bit of the high frequency I was getting from the mic. I was able to do that without sacrificing any of the other sounds in the recording. I then used a low frequency highpass filter to take care of some of the freeway noise.

2) The second clip I went through a similar procedure. I took a little off the top of the frequency spectrum, and used highpass filter to lower that rumble from the freeway in the background. After I did that, I used a very light noise reduction to help reduce that background sound. This made the rest of those kid sounds and geese calls much more prominent.

3) Clip three went through the same thing as the previous clip. The recording was in the same location as the last two so the same issues kept popping up. I feel though that for this recording the noise reduction might have been a little too heavy. The mid frequencies are a lot more prominent which makes this a less accurate of a recording.

5) This clip went through a more dramatic version of the  previous treatment, with much better results. The discrete sound recording was supposed to capture not just the goose call, but the movement of water near the edge of the pond. After using the high and low pass filters I used before, and then used a stronger noise reduction, you are able to hear those distinct sounds much better. I then amplified the whole track by using a the normalize function.

6) The sixth recording was extremely tricky. My goal was to remove the rumble from the wind hitting the mic, while not boosting too much of the background noise. I used a highpass to remove that rumble, but after normalizing the track, the rest of that background noise became even more apparent. There was no way to use noise reduction because the sound of wind encompassed a lot of spectral frequencies.

7) For the seventh clip there was a lot of wind rumble that got in the way of the rest of those higher frequencies. By using another highpass with the parametric EQ I was able to normalize the track and bring up the rest of the recording. This was really the only improvement I could make to this clip. The NT4 is really not ment for recording large gusts of wind, even with a wind screen.

8) The final recording doesn't really sound too much different. I attempted to remove some of the handling noise using noise reduction. That does not work with sounds that occur occasionally. I then attempted to reduce just the frequency of that particular sound, which also did not work. I could not find the exact frequency so I did a fairly soft highpass to help reduce the amplitude of the handling noise.

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